Monday, August 12, 2013

"The Gospel of Lazarus?" ~ Week 5

This past week's message, "Appendices" in our sermon series "The Gospel of Lazarus?" really concludes many of the clues that I have discovered in my quest to see if it is possible that Lazarus is the original author or witness discussed in the Gospel according to John. Next week, we will explore John 1:1 and look at the insights we have gained from assuming that Lazarus was indeed the original storyteller of this amazing gospel narrative. And, as promised, I will post a link to the scholarly article that began this crazy quest and adventure in scripture. "But what were last week's clues?" you ask.
Well, last week we looked at the 21st chapter of John (beginning with verse 18). It is in the 24th verse, the second to last verse of this gospel, we find a really big clue. "and we know that his witness is true." This reveals another voice, perhaps the voice who has given this testament its more familiar form for today's reader. So who is the "other" voice. Church History suggests that John of Patmos had a significant role in the promoting of the fourth gospel and it is suggested that "according to John" Lazarus' testimony and witness is true. So, "John" is perhaps John of Patmos. Again, you may be asking how many have come to believe that "John" is John of Zebedee, one of Jesus' apostles. Going back to the struggle with Gnosticism,Irenaeus, defending the faith, assumed that "John" was the apostle and thus claimed apostolic authority over the text that the Gnostics were misinterpreting. The rest, as they say, is history. I hope you all have found this journey as eye opening as I have and pray that you do not simply take this at face value but spend some time reading the fourth gospel for yourself with new insight. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you. Talk to you all next week!

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